Fusion Piping Pty Ltd played a key role in the upgrades to the Mundaring Water Treatment Plant in Mundaring, Western Australia. One of the projects involved the design and fabrication of Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) cones for the plant’s treatment process. These components are critical in optimizing the efficiency of the DAF system, which is an essential stage in water purification.
In raw (untreated) water, various impurities such as suspended solids, oils, and organic matter are present. The DAF cones serve an important function in the treatment process by ensuring the even dispersal of influent (untreated water) into the flotation tank. This uniform distribution enhances the effectiveness of the flotation process.
Beneath the cones, pressurized air is injected into the tank, where it dissolves into the water. As the pressure is released, microbubbles form and attach to suspended particles, reducing their density and allowing them to rise to the surface. The accumulated material—known as float—is then skimmed off for removal, leaving cleaner water behind.
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is an advanced water treatment process used to remove suspended solids, oils, greases, and other contaminants from water. The process works by saturating a portion of the treated water with dissolved air under pressure and then introducing it into the main treatment tank.
As the pressure is released, microscopic air bubbles are formed. These bubbles adhere to particles in the water, causing them to become buoyant and rise to the surface. Once at the surface, the contaminants are mechanically skimmed off, while the clarified water continues through further treatment stages.
DAF systems are widely used in municipal water treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, and desalination pretreatment due to their ability to efficiently remove fine suspended matter and improve overall water quality.
More information about the DAF process can be found at Waste Water Digest.