ABS Pipe & Fittings

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) is a thermoplastic polymer piping system suited to marine, cooling / refrigeration and many industrial applications / processes where a mechanically strong product is required and temperature variations are more moderate.

It has good resistance to most diluted inorganic acids, salts, animal oils and organic acids. Whilst it does not provide the same chemical resistance as UPVC or CPVC, it is better suited to applications where lower (sub-zero) temperature and lower chemical concentrations are present.

The mechanical strength and smooth surface texture of ABS makes it also suited to food and beverage and industrial applications where chilled water, slurries and abrasive materials are used.
Polypipe Effast ABS Threaded Adaptor
Size Range
0.5 – 6 inch
Operating Temperature
-40 – +60°C
Jointing Technology
Solvent cement
Pressure Rating
Up to 15 bar (1500 kpa)

A Sample Of Our Range

Polypipe ABS Union
Polypipe ABS Threaded Cap
Threaded Cap
Reducing Bush
Polypipe ABS Reducing Coupling
Reducing Coupling
Polypipe ABS Faucet Socket
Threaded Adaptor
See Our Full Range

For the full range available from Fusion download the Fusion Product Guide or Contact us.

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Benefits of ABS

  • Superior impact resistance compared to UPVC and CPVC piping systems.
  • Broad temperature rating (including sub-zero temperatures).
  • It's light weight and easy to handle. Reducing the cost of transportation and installation.
  • High pressure rating.
  • Suitable for abrasive materials.

Fusion: Australian Distributor for Polypipe Italia / Effast

Polypipe Italia / Effast designs, develops and manufactures a range of plastic piping products for the industrial sector. Their range includes ABS and UPVC pipe, fittings and valves.

Standards Compliance

ABS Pipe
  • WRAS: Water regulations advisory scheme UK potable water approved.
  • BS 5391 & BS 5392 part 1
  • KM 60041: Kite Mark license.
  • BS 21, DIN 2999 & ISO7
More information about the standards compliance of Polypipe Italia Effast ABS can be viewed on the Effast Website.


Why choose ABS?

ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) is highly rated as a thermoplastic pipework system and is used in many applications such as food and beverage processing as well as water and sewerage treatment and many other industries. It has good chemical resistance with high impact strength and low moisture absorption. It's non toxic and conforms to the toxicological requirements of the British Plastic Federation, British Industrial Biological Research Association Code of Practice for food usage 45/5. It also fulfils the EEC requirements for plastic materials in contact with foodstuffs. ABS systems are lightweight, rigid and easy to install using a solvent cement.

ABS has good resistance to most diluted inorganic acids, salts, animal fats and oils and organic acids. It is not resistant to organic solvents, alcohol, petrol, acetic acid or vegetable oils. Recommendations can be given by our Technical Department regarding the resistance of ABS to specific chemicals.

Where has Fusion Supplied / Installed ABS?

Some notable supply / install projects:
  • Containerised water treatment plants in Western Australia, Queensland and Papua New Guinea.
  • Many mine site projects throughout the Pilbara Region in Western Australia.
  • Commercial pool construction in Perth, Western Australia.
  • A chemical processing plant in Perth, Western Australia.

Interested in ABS for your next project?

Contact Us
73 Bushland Ridge
Bibra Lake WA 6163

18 Woomera Place
Archerfield QLD 4108

Mon - Thurs 8:00 - 4:30
Fri 8:00 - 4:00

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Fusion Plastics and Fusion Piping Pty Ltd are ISO 9001, 45001 & 14001 certified companies
Copyright © Fusion Plastics (ABN 48‍084‍543‍742) & Fusion Piping (ABN 29‍103‍442‍922)