Unless otherwise stated, the following general terms and conditions apply to Fusion Quotations.
Site and Overtime Rates
Site rates quoted are a based on an hourly rate. Unless you have been specifically quoted set rates for the below, the following additional terms and rates will apply:
- Quoted rates are for the first 10 hours of site services performed per day.
- Overtime hours greater than 10 hours will attract a 1.25x premium.
- All weekend hours will attract a 1.5x premium.
- All night shift hours will attract a 2x premium. This includes the Award requirement for employees of a recovery period of 10 hours before commencing the next shift. Employees are paid for recovery hours that form part of their next day shift.
- All Public Holiday hours will be charged at 1.5x of the standard quoted rate.
- All standard PPE equipment will be provided by Fusion at no cost to the client.
- Site services projects attract a minimum 4 hour call out fee charge.
The following applies to meals, accommodation and travel:
- Travel time will be charged at the standard hourly rate specified.
- If airline travel is required, a minimum of 2 hours is added to the expected flight duration to allow for transit time. For the avoidance of any doubt, a full shift of 8 hours will be charged as a minimum regardless of the flight and transit time taken.
- Accommodation will be;
- Provided in full by the client to an acceptable standard; or
- Provided by Fusion and charged at a rate of cost plus a 15% administration fee.
- Meals will be;
- Provided in full by the client (that being 3 full meals per day); or
- Provided by Fusion and charged at $85 per day.
Please discuss these rates with your Fusion Plastics Estimator or Project Manager.
Safety and Medical Costs
The following inclusions and costs apply to medical and safety assessments and inductions:
- Fusion charges a minimum of 2 hours per team member for each induction and medical examination.
- Additional hours required are charged to clients at a stand down rate of $104 per hour.
- Medical assessments are charged at cost plus a 15% administration fee.
- Online safety inductions that attract a fee to complete will be charged at cost price plus a 15% administration fee.
- Specialised medical assessments and other incidental costs may attract additional costs.
Project Management and Subcontract Services
From time to time Fusion will be required to project manage subcontract services that are required by our client. In such cases Fusion will apply a minimum project management fee of 15% of the costs. The final value of fee for this service is subject to the complexity of the subcontract services and will be discussed with our clients at the time of quotation.
Design and Engineering
Fusion provide design services tailored to our plastic engineered products. Unless otherwise stated, when engaging Fusion Plastics to design and engineer products the following terms will apply:
- Up to 3 hours of design and engineering services will be included in your quoted price.
- Fusion will provide two rounds of revisions to such drawings at no cost.
- Fusion will include 2 hours to complete these two rounds of revisions at no cost.
- Revisions and drawing feedback must be provided to Fusion in writing.
- Additional hours of design will be charged at $120 per hour plus GST.
- If a client engages Fusion to provide design and engineering services and then does not proceed with purchasing the products from Fusion, all design and engineering time and costs will be charged at a rate of $120 per hour plus GST.
Please discuss Fusion’s specialised design services with one of our engineers.
Project Documentation
Fusion is able to provide the following compliance documentation for each project. Please confirm your requirements are included in the quote prior to acceptance.
- Weld traceability records
- Fusion Technician Team qualifications
- Business certifications
The preparation of project specific MDR and ITP documentation is not included. MDR and ITP documentation will be priced on application by our project management team.
MDR and ITP documentation will be provided in a standard Fusion format unless directed prior to Fusion issuing a quotation for these services.
Fusion standard traceability’s include general certificates of conformity. If individual material traceability’s are required at item level please advise prior to Fusion issuing a quotation for these services.
Please contact our project management team for a price and content information on your required PDR and ITP documentation.
Machine and Equipment Hire
Machine and equipment hire will be charged at the rates set out in the quotation and under the terms of the hire agreement. These conditions apply for all equipment that is hired or equipment that is mobilised on site projects. In addition to these terms and unless otherwise agreed prior:
- A minimum 2 business days’ notice must be provided prior to the return of hire equipment.
- A minimum 5 business days’ notice must be provided prior to requiring the equipment on site.
- Stand down rates may be considered at a reduced fee of 80% of the daily hire rate.
- The transportation to site and return of equipment is the responsibility of the client. Where Fusion is required to arrange this, we will charge it at cost plus an administration fee of 15%.
- Hire rates apply to the transport period. Hire starts from the date the equipment leaves our Workshop to the day it is returned to our Workshop.
- Charges will apply for any lost or damaged machines or parts that are damaged or missing upon return.
- All consumables to operate equipment is charged at cost plus an administration fee of 15%.
Progress Invoicing
Fusion understands that from time to time the progress of a project may be delayed by our clients after a PO has been issued. If this is the case and unless otherwise agreed, at the end of each calendar month Fusion will apply the following progress invoicing:
- All materials procured on the project to date.
- All fabrication or installation work commenced and completed to date.
- For any incidental costs incurred.
Contact Us
Please discuss these rates and terms and conditions with your Fusion Plastics Estimator or Project Manager. These terms must be considered also in conjunction with the agreed Fusion Terms and Conditions of your company’s Fusion trading account.